My Favourite Voucher Codes is a money saving voucher code website set up to help consumers to not only save money off their online shopping, but to help raise money for good causes by pledging to donate each month 20% of its net profits to charity. We believe that we are the only website in the voucher codes industry to donate 20% of its profits to charity and to date have raised over £8, 000 for good causes. We are proud to support over 150 charities including Children in Need, Help for Hero’s, MIND, Bliss Baby Charity, RSPCA and Marie Curie Cancer Care to name but a few and are happy to accept further good causes to our supported charities. We work with all of the major UK retailers and merchants and have the most comprehensive selection of live voucher codes and exclusive codes available on the internet and we are fast becoming a `go to` website for consumers looking for a discount when shopping online. In addition to having over 5, 000 live voucher codes available we also have a comprehensive blog that offers up to date hints and tips on how to save money and make peoples household budgets go that little bit further.
Monday | 2.00AM - 2.00PM |
Tuesday | 5.00AM - 5.00PM |
Wednesday | 3.00AM - 3.00PM |
Thursday | 8.00AM - 8.00PM |
Friday | 6.00AM - 6.00PM |
Saturday | 1.00AM - 1.00PM |
Sunday | 5.00AM - 5.00PM |
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